Don Salieri is gradually consolidating his power in Lost Heaven and has come up with a new goal to undo
Sergio Morello, the younger brother of boss Don Morello. Sergio controls the port unions and thus has control over all imports and exports.
This industry accounts for a large portion of the revenue for Morello's criminal organization, and Sergio's removal would be a major loss.
This mission includes four parts in which we try unsuccessfully to kill Sergio.
The first is the occasion when Paulie and I go to carry out the assassination of the Italian Garden restaurant, in which
where Sergio is supposed to be. Paulie stands in front of a restaurant window and Tommy makes a phone call to this restaurant from the pay phone across the street saying that he would
he wanted Mr. Morell on the phone. One of the gangsters picks up the phone, barely able to finish saying that Mr. Morello is not there today and that he has been shot
Paul through the window. When he learns that the event didn't work out, he and Tommy have to flee the place and get rid of the pursuers.
In the second part, we get a bomb from Vincenzo, which we have to put under Sergio's car. But we have to wait for the bodyguard standing by his house to finish smoking and go inside so as not to alarm everyone. After we put the bomb under the car, Sergio gets into it
lover and explodes.
The third part involves the direct assassination of Sergio outside the Rainbow Garden restaurant where he met his bookies. To Paulie who has it
eliminate, but Thompson gets stuck, so he has no choice but to flee from a gang of gangsters.
After all these failed attempts, Salieri gave the job to other people. They wait for Sergio at the railroad crossing, another of Salieri's mobsters
he arranges for the warning lights at the crossing to be activated when the car with Sergio is approaching and sends a signal for the driver to start the locomotive. Tommy stands on the other side as a kind of insurance. The gangsters drive the car to Sergio's Lassiter
and as soon as the train approaches, he rams into it, pushing it right into the path of the train. But even this action fails and the train instead of Sergio
he rams into Salieri's mobsters. Tommy reacts promptly and immediately sets out to find Sergio.
We have to chase Sergio Morello to the port, where he starts to run away frantically. He must not get away from us, otherwise the mission will end in failure.
A bunch of gangsters are waiting for us at the port, which is best to kill. We should pay attention to the snipers on the cranes and two
on the floor of a wooden building. At the back of the harbor are large gray barrels that will explode when we shoot at them and kill at least one
crane snipers. On the platform near the train set, we find several grenades in a box.
In order to get to Sergio, who is hiding in one of the warehouses, we have to direct the switches at the tracks so that one of the wagons goes down and hits
directly to the gate of this warehouse. To unlock the wagons, we have to kick off the stop by the wheel. In the warehouse, we kill all the gangsters and at the end he himself
Sergio Morello.
On the way back to Salieri's bar, we can stop by Lucas Bertone, who has another task for us, for which he will arrange a new car for us.